This is a summary of the photos I posted for my 2011 365 Project from 10/30 through 11/5.
Sunday, 10/30 - I took this at a pumpkin patch located at Saint Andrews Episcopal Church.
Monday, 10/31 - I spent the evening watching my Brother, Nephew and their friends scare the kids passing by for candy. Fun times. Hope everyone has a safe and Happy Halloween.
Tuesday, 11/1 - Just a shot up the stairs to my Brother's loft.
Wednesday, 11/2 - This is my way of experimenting with depth of field.
Thursday, 11/3 - Taken during sunrise at Bay Area Park. Post processed in PhotoShop/Color Efex Pro - added the Burnt Sienna filter.
Friday, 11/4 - One of the booths at the 5th Annual Bay Area Arts & Crafts Festival was Stormware Creations. The owner, Matt Adams, started off creating these really cool spoons and bowls using the wood from trees damaged during Hurricane Ike.
Saturday, 11/5 - I was at a Photoshop class all day, so I decided to take Jake out to relax in the back yard for a bit. He is such a good model. :-)
Happy Shooting!
"Life is like a good black and white photograph, there’s black, there’s white, and lots of shades in between." -Karl Heiner
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