This is a summary of the photos I posted for my 2011 365 Project from 8/14 through 8/20.
Sunday, 8/14 - A lot of the beach houses along the Texas cost are very brightly colored and I just love looking at them. Sometimes I wish I had a house on the beach, but as much as I like the coast, I love the countryside even more. I see myself having a house in hills or mountains.
Monday, 8/15 - Slow and relaxing morning at Starbucks.
Tuesday, 8/16 - How anything can grow in this drought we are having is beyond me. Took this along Highway 3.
Wednesday, 8/17 - Taken on the Bolivar Ferry. They kinda looked like they were preserving the preservers...hence the caption. :)
Thursday, 8/18 - Shopping for a gift at Barnes and Noble. Not sure what it is about journals that I like so much.
Friday, 8/19 - A co-worker bought a new Mini Cooper recently. I love the form factor of the Mini Coopers, so I asked him if it would be okay if I photograph it. I shot 3 exposures, merged using PhotoMatix Pro and then ran it through Color Efex Pro. I may have gone a little over the top, but hey, it's Friday. :)
Saturday, 8/20 - Ran across this cool mural on the campus of a Webster Area school.
Happy Shooting!
“There is only you and your camera. The limitations in your photography are in yourself, for what we see is what we are.” -Ernst Haas
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