This is a summary of the photos I posted for my 2011 365 Project from 8/21 through 8/27.
Sunday, 8/21 - Took this on a walk through my neighborhood this morning. :) Not sure what they are, but they sure are pretty.
Monday, 8/22 - Stopped and shot this sunrise on my way into the office this morning. Applied a polarizer filter to it and the colors went wild.
Tuesday, 8/23 - This is Ariel. Like most cats, she is the center of her Universe.
Wednesday, 8/24 - Taken at Hermann Park in the early morning. Thought it was a cool juxtaposition.
Thursday, 8/25 - The Sri Meenakshi Temple in Pearland, TX. I pulled into the parking lot, took a few photos and left. I would love to go back and get more, but I'm not sure of their rules for photography.
Friday, 8/26 - I decided to make a run to Bear Creek Park during my lunch hour today. They have a Bird Sanctuary as part of the park. I think this guy was winking at me ;-)
Saturday, 8/27 - My (2nd) Cousin Caitlin's 12th birthday. Took these at her family birthday party. :)
Happy Shooting!
"A photograph is usually looked at – seldom looked into." -Ansel Adams
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