This is a summary of the photos I posted for my 2011 365 Project from 7/17 through 7/23.
Sunday – Where It All Began
I went to see the last Harry Potter movie today and enjoyed it tremendously. So much, I decided to dig out a Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone lunch box I received as a gift back in 2002. It will be kind of sad to see it's like we've watched the actors grow up over the last 10 years :)
Monday – My Better Side
My boy Jake being his normal precious self. :-) I was actually shooting some still life in my studio when I looked over and saw how the side light coming through my front door was hitting him.
Tuesday – Rain Drops
There was some much needed rain in Houston today. It was nice to see it. :)
Wednesday – Bond. James Bond.
Ran across this cool mural for a bail bonds business.
Thursday – Boats in a Row
Taken in San Leon, TX. It was very cool walking around all the fishing and shrimp boats.
Friday – Ariel and the Paw
My silly cat. I think she's trying to give me the finger ;)
Saturday – Bridge Over Chocolate Bayou
Went on a photo quest this morning and took this off of County Road 227 in Brazoria County just after sunrise.
Happy Shooting!
“There is only you and your camera. The limitations in your photography are in yourself, for what we see is what we are.” -Ernst Haas