This is a summary of the photos I posted for my 2011 365 Project from 7/10 through 7/16.
Sunday - End Hunger
I pass the Food Bank a few times a month and have always wanted to stop and photograph it. When I got up this morning, I decided to make it my main subject for today. I took 3 exposures and processed using Photomatix Pro.
Monday - The Birds
Took this in Seabrook, TX. I could hear the little boy giggling from where I was standing. So cute
Tuesday - Multiplying Like Kitties
This is my first time to take multiple shots of the same scene with a primary object (cat) in different spots and merging them in Photoshop. My husband will be surprised to see we have 3 cats instead of 1. ;)
Wednesday - Peppers
Not a lot of time between work and a Photoshop meeting. Took this in my local grocery store. :)
Thursday - “I’m A Leaf On The Wind!”
Working with my Macro lens tonight. Picked up this cool leaf on the way home. If you are a Firefly/Serenity fan, you will get the caption. ;)
Friday - Taking A Break
Attended a meetup with the League City Photography Group tonight (in San Leon) and while we were not able to photograph the sunset and moonrise due to cloud cover, there were several things of interest in the area of the restaurant we had dinner at. Caught this guy taking a break from bugging humans for food. ;)
Saturday - Calm Morning
I took this outside the building in which I work. I generally arrive early on Friday mornings because I'm never as productive on Fridays as I'd like to be ;-)
Happy Shooting!
“All life is of a past nature, photography enhances this fact.” - Patrick Summerfield