This is a summary of the photos I posted for my 2011 365 Project from 9/4 through 9/10.
Sunday, 9/4 - We took a drive to the Rosenberg area today. In addition to a nice Historical Downtown area, we ran across some fields of cotton. I don't see cotton often, so it was a pretty cool site.
Monday, 9/5 - Saw this sign in a Rosenberg antique shop and could not resist the urge to grab a shot of it. The ultimate message is to chill out and not be a jerk ;)
Tuesday, 9/6 - Tonight I attended a Studio Lighting Photo Shoot with the NW Houston Photography group. We were shown what settings to use and how to use a Pocket Wizard. Fun stuff! For this, I just walked around and got a few shots of the action with my iPhone and put them together with the Photoshake app.
Wednesday, 9/7 - I just received my new Sigma 24-70mm 2.8 lens, so I roamed around my yard finding things to photograph. Other than being the heaviest lens I own, I am really liking it.
Thursday, 9/8 - Jake posed for a nominal fee of a treat.
Friday, 9/9 - Cool car that was parked outside the Soda Fountain in Rosenberg, TX.
Saturday, 9/10 - I saw this sign on my way back to Houston from Austin. It was just outside Brenham on 290. I found it so true to the issues we are having with the drought, I just could not pass it up.
Happy Shooting!
"A photograph is usually looked at – seldom looked into." -Ansel Adams
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