This is a summary of the photos I posted for my 2011 365 Project from 9/11 through 9/17.
Sunday, 9/11 - This is an edit to a shot I took on the Bolivar Ferry a couple of weeks ago. Thought it fitting for the 10th Anniversary of 9-11.
Monday, 9/12 - I stopped in old town Brenham while on the way to Austin and talked to a nice man who makes these cool metal items to put in your yard.
Tuesday, 9/13 - My sleepy cat and her big paws. Taken with my new 40mm Macro lens.
Wednesday, 9/14 - I took this on my walk this morning. They were watering the grounds at the church I pass through and I noticed this reflection in one of the puddles.
Thursday, 9/15 - My husband's family has ranch property outside Brekenridge, Texas. These are a couple of the brands that were used a long long time ago. The ranch has been in his family for over 100 years.
Friday, 9/16 - I made a make-shift light table and put a blue gel over my light source. Just experimenting with some DIY stuff. :-)
Saturday, 9/17 - I went to the 2011 Xtreme Hummingbird Xtravaganza today in Lake Jackson, Texas. It is really interesting to watch the banding and freeing of the hummingbirds.
Happy Shooting!
"A photograph is usually looked at – seldom looked into." -Ansel Adams
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