
Galveston Alleys

I recently had the opportunity to photograph Galveston’s Industrial alleyway district with great friends. There is a historic feel to the area you just can’t shake. Especially,  if you are into photographing such a subject.

Below are SOME of the shots from the day as well as a link to all of my Galveston photos.



Full Galveston Gallery on Google+  |  Full Galveston Gallery on Flickr

iPhone shots via Instagram



"A photograph is usually looked at – seldom looked into." -Ansel Adams

Check out my About.Me page for my complete web presence

Early Morning Fog


Fog was abundant in the early morning of last Sunday (1/1/12) in Southeast Texas.

I remember always being drawn to the fog, with the exception of a few years of my youth...thank you John Carpenter. So, right after breakfast I began driving around, hoping something would pull my attention. In the suburbs, you have to really search for photo opportunities because it can be difficult to find something without obscurities, such as power lines (unless you want power lines to be part of your composition). Then I remembered Bay Area Park's wooden walkway out over part of Armand Bayou. I have taken many photos at this location because I love the numerous dead trees and the wetlands themselves. Fog is one of the conditions that I had not yet photographed in this setting. Also, on this particular morning, the fog and humidity enabled water beads to form on the numerous spider webs.

I believe my decision to go back to this location was a win win.


Full Bay Area Park gallery on Google+

Fog or mist adds mystery to just about any landscape composition. Especially if it contains cool dead trees.


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“There is only you and your camera. The limitations in your photography are in yourself, for what we see is what we are.” -Ernst Haas

Check out my About.Me page for my complete web presence

PhotoQuest => Brenham, McDade & Austin

A couple of weeks ago, I took a drive from Houston to Austin and stopped in a couple of towns along the way.

Brenham is known to be the home of Blue Bell Ice Cream. While I did not stop a Blue Bell, I took a walk through the downtown district.




McDade is another town I decided to sidetrack to. It is a small town with a neat historic feel to it.



Austin is always a very cool place to visit. So many attractions that I find something different each time I visit.



My Austin & Brenham Flickr Sets

My Houston to Austin Google+ Album

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“All life is of a past nature, photography enhances this fact.” – Patrick Summerfield

Find me on: RedBubble | Flickr | 500px | Google+ | Twitter | Facebook | Tumblr | Zenfolio

Photowalk => Bolivar Peninsula

A few weeks ago I drove Highway 87 from High Island to the Bolivar Ferry, spanning the length of Bolivar Peninsula. I actually did this two Saturdays in a row because there is so much to see on this stretch of road. I am sure I could take about one or two more drives and still find something new to photograph. There were several places to stop and explore, hence me calling it a photo walk.

It is really great to see the Bolivar Peninsula coming back to normalcy after being devastated by Hurricane Ike in 2008.



The rest of my Bolivar Peninsula photos can be found in my Flickr Set and Goggle+ Album.

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"The more you understand what inspires you, the more readily you can put yourself in it’s path." - David duChemin

Find me on: Flickr | 500px | Google+ | Twitter | Facebook | Tumblr | Zenfolio

Photowalk => Historic Rosenberg

A couple of weeks ago I took a walk through the historic part of Rosenberg, Texas. I love historic districts because the antique stores, brick roads and old town city halls make you feel like you are truly walking in the past.



More of my Rosenberg photos can be found in my Flickr Set and Goggle+ Album.

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“All life is of a past nature, photography enhances this fact.” – Patrick Summerfield

Find me on: Flickr | 500px | Google+ | Twitter | Facebook | Tumblr | Zenfolio

Tolerance Sculptures

On the corner of Allen Parkway and Montrose, in Houston, sits five interesting sculptures named Tolerance. They are made of melded metal characters that are in Latin, Greek, Arabic and several other languages. The sculptures are there to represent our city’s diversity. At night, they are lit and look amazing. Below are a few photos I took in the early morning hours.



More of my Tolerance photos can be found in my Flickr Set or Goggle+ Album.

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“Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it still.” – Dorothea Lange

A National Wildlife Refuge Weekend



On Saturday morning I left before sunrise and headed toward the Brazoria National Wildlife Refuge. There were a couple of cool photo ops along the way. On FM 2004, there is a large bridge that goes over Chocolate Bayou. I stopped at a public boat ramp located underneath the bridge and was able to get a couple of nice photos.


Once I arrived at the Brazoria National Wildlife Refuge, I was astounded at how low the water was. I guess I should not be surprised with the drought and all.


But even with the lack of water, there was such beauty. I can’t wait to go back when the water level is up and there is an abundance of wildlife to see.

On Sunday morning, both my husband and I went back to the Brazoria National Wildlife Refuge for a short time and then began making our way to the San Bernard National Wildlife Refuge. This refuge, like the Brazoria refuge, was very very dry. We did find some water and there was a family there taking advantage of the water and doing some fishing. This is another area that we will definitely be going back to when we make it through this drought.


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“To me, photography is the simultaneous recognition, in a fraction of a second, of the significance of an event.” – Henri Cartier-Bresson

Dad’s Tractors

I took this on one of my hometown visits. I try to make it out to Huffman at least once a month to visit family. My brother owns an auto shop and I always find something photo-worthy sitting around that place. Thought my Dad's tractors would make a decent HDR subject.


  • Camera | Nikon D90
  • Exposure | 1/6  ~  Aperture | f/22
  • Focal Length | 13 mm  ~  ISO Speed | 200
  • Flash off – Tripod used
  • Complete EXIF Data 
  • Post – Photomatix Pro/Photoshop


"A photograph is usually looked at – seldom looked into."  -Ansel Adams


Took a drive over to League City today. Never noticed this little pond near the center of town. Even got a couple of turtles sunning on the bank. :)


  • Camera | Nikon D90
  • Exposure | 1/1250  ~  Aperture | f/5.6
  • Focal Length | 16 mm  ~  ISO Speed | 200
  • Flash off – No Tripod 
  • Complete EXIF Data
  • Post – Photomatix Pro/Photoshop/Color EFEX Pro 

“If you see something that moves you, and then snap it, you keep a moment.” – Linda McCartney

The River Frio

Taken at a co-worker's vacation spot on the Frio River. She was nice enough to invite us for the day so I could get some photos of this beautiful area. Thanks Lisa! Took 3 exposures and processed using PhotoMatix.


  • Camera | Nikon D90
  • Exposure | 1/60 sec  ~  Aperture | f/11
  • Focal Length | 10 mm  ~  ISO Speed | 200
  • Flash off – No Tripod 
  • Complete EXIF Data
  • Post – Photomatix Pro/LightRoom/Photoshop

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“If you see something that moves you, and then snap it, you keep a moment.” – Linda McCartney

Eastgate Church

I was exploring the area where I grew up today (Huffman, Texas) and ran across this cool little church that I never knew existed. It is in an unincorporated community named Eastgate. When I was growing up, my high school was on Huffman-Eastgate road, but I never ventured to Eastgate, I guess. Took three exposures and processed with Photomatix Pro.


  • Camera | Nikon D90
  • Exposure | 1/250 sec  ~  Aperture | f/8
  • Focal Length | 100 mm  ~  ISO Speed | 250
  • Flash off – No Tripod 
  • Complete EXIF Data
  • Post – Photomatix Pro/Photoshop

“If your pictures aren’t good enough, you’re not close enough.” -Robert Capa


Taken at Brazos Bend State Park. I love taking photos of spiders as long as they are not on me or in my house. ;-)


  • Camera | Nikon D90
  • Exposure | 1/60 sec  ~  Aperture | f/5.6
  • Focal Length | 100 mm  ~  ISO Speed | 200
  • Flash off – No Tripod 
  • Complete EXIF Data
  • Post – LightRoom (light manipulation)

“A good snapshot stops a moment from running away.” –Eudora Welty

Night Heron

I met my photography group at Brazos Bend State Park early this morning. This guy stood still for a long time. I am not very good at wildlife, so he figured he would give me lots of tries. ;)

Blue Herron

  • Camera | Nikon D90
  • Exposure | 1/60 sec  ~  Aperture | f/5.6
  • Focal Length | 100 mm  ~  ISO Speed | 200
  • Flash off – No Tripod 
  • Complete EXIF Data
  • Post – LightRoom/Photoshop

“If your pictures aren’t good enough, you’re not close enough.” -Robert Capa

Saint Mary's Catholic Church

I had the day off this passed Thursday, so I took a day trip to the Schulenburg, Texas area. The Painted Churches seem to be the main attraction to the area, but the countryside itself is an attraction to me.

Below is a photo I took of the inside of Saint Mary's Catholic Church located at High Hill. I took 3 exposures and processed them using Photomatix Pro.


  • Camera | Nikon D90
  • Exposure | 0.2 sec (1/5)  ~  Aperture | f/5.6
  • Focal Length | 10 mm  ~  ISO Speed | 200
  • Flash off – Tripod used


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"A photograph is usually looked at – seldom looked into."  -Ansel Adams

Galveston - Saturday Outing - 02.12.11

Last weekend we took a quick trip to Galveston. We were lucky enough to make it to the seawall about 20 minutes before sunrise. After sunrise, we grabbed a coffee at Lasso a Latte and then jumped on the Bolivar Ferry. We drove around Bolivar for a little while then headed back to take a few shots of some of the architecture in Galveston.



All photos:  Flickr Set | Picasa Set

It was a beautiful day for a trip to the beach.


“Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it still.” - Dorothea Lange

Forbidden Gardens

A couple of weekends ago, we visited Forbidden Gardens (Twitter | Facebook) in Katy, Texas. I had found out from the League City Photography Meetup Group that this wonderful place was going to be closing soon to make way for the Grand Parkway expansion. The group went on Saturday, 2-5-11. I was still recovering from the flu that day, but we were lucky enough to go the next day. It was a beautiful day!



All photos:  Flickr Set | Picasa Set

It is a shame this cool place is going away :(


“Photography can only represent the present. Once photographed, the subject becomes part of the past.” - Berenice Abbott

Brazos Bend & A Wood Stork Migration

On Saturday, we decided to jump in the car and start driving without any plans. We started down 288 toward Lake Jackson and came across the exit to Brazos Bend State Park and decided to take it. Yes, we've been to Brazos Bend a lot, but it is a hard place to get tired of.

brazosbend1 brazosbend2

This time we were in for a real treat. We had been there about two hours and were about to leave when we decided to take one more drive around the park. We happened across these trees filled with large birds. I am not a birder, so at the time I had no idea what they were, I was just amazed at the sheer number. One of the park attendants came through and told us that they were Wood Storks and they come through here once a year on their way to Mexico. About fifteen minutes later, they started getting restless and in about another twenty minutes they were all gone. The mass exodus was simply is the only words I have to describe it.


woodstorkmigration-2  woodstorkmigration-3

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Photograph:  a picture painted by the sun without instruction in art.  ~Ambrose Bierce

Texas Photo Festival - 2010

Last weekend, I attended the Texas Photo Festival in Smithville, Texas. It is a yearly event that offers numerous photographic opportunities such as a marching band, skate park, dog park, dragsters and "small-town" sites in general. There was also a train ride through the historic district that provided even more photo ops.


There was also a PhotoShop class instructed by Suzette Allen that I was not able to attend.

My [Texas Photo Festival] Photo Set on Picasa

My [Texas Photo Festival - Smithville] Photo Set on Flickr

League City Photography Group [Texas Photo Festival in Smithville] Photo Set

From Houston, this was an easy day-trip. I will definitely make an effort to attend this event each year.


When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs.  When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence.  ~Ansel Adams

Photo Op: Sheldon State Park

We found a great place to take photos last weekend. Sheldon Lake State Park is located in East Harris County. I actually remember my Mom taking me fishing here when I was a kid. There is so much great subject matter in this area.

SheldonLake-1 SheldonLake-2 SheldonLake-3

Flickr Sheldon Lake State Park Set -- Flickr Photo Stream

The park is quite a bit bigger than I remember. The best time to go is in the early morning (or late evening) for that great lighting. In a couple of the photos I took, it was actually getting too late and the Sun was starting to cause some washout.

My main warning is to watch yourself on the piers during the humid morning hours or after a rain. They can be extremely slippery. I wiped out pretty bad and was really glad I had just handed my husband my camera. Whew!


"A good snapshot stops a moment from running away." -Eudora Welty