365 Project 2011 – Week 31 in Review

This is a summary of the photos I posted for my 2011 365 Project from 7/31 through 8/6.


Sunday, 7/31 - There is a set of sculptures, named Tolerance, that sit at the corner of Allen Parkway and Montrose. I had heard about them from several different people, so I went to see them in the early hours of this morning. They are indeed a sight to see.

They were created by Barcelona-based artist Jaume Plensa. Below is a link to an article about them.



Monday, 8/1 - Worm's eye view of some mushrooms in my yard.

Tuesday, 8/2 – Old fire truck taken at Lake Buchanan and processed with HDR Efex Pro. I was playing around with the old-time effects and thought this old fire truck would be a good subject.

Wednesday, 8/3 - I went to visit my cousin and see their new puppy, Sophie. While I did get some shots of Sophie, I thought this shot of their older dog Abby turned out nice. I think I like that there is a lot of reds and browns that just goes well with her. She is a really cool doggie too.


Thursday, 8/4 - I received a Lensbaby Scout with the 16mm Fisheye optic for my birthday, so I did nothing but shot with it today. One of the places I went was Ellington Field because I know they have this huge plane out on display at the entrance. The Lensbaby is definitely fun to play with.

Friday, 8/5 – Taken off of Highway 87 around the Rollover Pass area. I thought it was cool that I was actually able to catch a seagull on the sign that says “Gulls on the Horizon”. :)

Saturday, 8/6 - I laid on my tummy to get this where the flowers meet the sky. If it were a few inches higher you would see the Gulf of Mexico in the background. Taken in the High Island area.


Happy Shooting!

"A good snapshot stops a moment from running away." ~Eudora Welty