This is a summary of the photos I posted for my 2011 365 Project from 7/24 through 7/30.
Sunday - Taken at the San Bernard National Wildlife Refuge. I am actually standing in the middle of what should be a slough. The isolated rain we have been getting in the coastal region is just not enough.
Monday - Taken in the moments after sunrise. I Love morning/evening sunlight!
Tuesday - Taken on an area bayou underneath a bridge just after sunrise. Made it black and white because I liked the contrast between the rocks and water.
Wednesday - Took this on my walk this evening. I am surprised there are still flowers blooming in this 100+ degree weather.
Thursday - Interesting graffiti on the side of a tattoo studio in South Houston.
Friday - There is a tropical storm in the Gulf of Mexico. When that happens we see the coolest cloud formations.
Saturday - I was out in the yard with Jake and decided to pick up this pine cone. Thought the reflection worked out well.
Happy Shooting!
“A photograph is usually looked at – seldom looked into." -Ansel Adams