
365 Project 2011 – Week 32 in Review

This is a summary of the photos I posted for my 2011 365 Project from 8/7 through 8/13.


Sunday, 8/7 - Decided to work in my studio to come up with today's picture for my 365. Pulled out my light box and cut up a tomato. Need think of some better angles on subjects like this.


Monday, 8/8 - Took this on my drive of Highway 87 from High Island to Bolivar Peninsula. Took three exposures and processed in Photomatix.

Tuesday, 8/9 – Took this in the old town area of Smithville. There were many old shops and buildings in this cool little town.

Wednesday, 8/10 - My Brother has a few scrap race cars on his property. One of them has this cool spider on the hood/fender. Thought I would take a shot with my iPhone and process in the Percolator app and the WordFoto app (both are very fun to play with). Then I put both versions together with the original in a collage.


Thursday, 8/11 - Had dinner at Floyd's Cajun Seafood with friends this evening. There were a few cool little things to photograph. My favorite was this stained glass.

Friday, 8/12 – Taken on a beautifully calm morning at Sheldon Lake State Park.

Saturday, 8/13 - Went back to Bolivar Peninsula today and drug my husband along. While on the ferry I spotted how the clouds were reflecting in the mirror of a parked motorcycle. :)


Happy Shooting!

"A good snapshot stops a moment from running away." ~Eudora Welty

365 Project 2011 – Week 31 in Review

This is a summary of the photos I posted for my 2011 365 Project from 7/31 through 8/6.


Sunday, 7/31 - There is a set of sculptures, named Tolerance, that sit at the corner of Allen Parkway and Montrose. I had heard about them from several different people, so I went to see them in the early hours of this morning. They are indeed a sight to see.

They were created by Barcelona-based artist Jaume Plensa. Below is a link to an article about them.


Monday, 8/1 - Worm's eye view of some mushrooms in my yard.

Tuesday, 8/2 – Old fire truck taken at Lake Buchanan and processed with HDR Efex Pro. I was playing around with the old-time effects and thought this old fire truck would be a good subject.

Wednesday, 8/3 - I went to visit my cousin and see their new puppy, Sophie. While I did get some shots of Sophie, I thought this shot of their older dog Abby turned out nice. I think I like that there is a lot of reds and browns that just goes well with her. She is a really cool doggie too.


Thursday, 8/4 - I received a Lensbaby Scout with the 16mm Fisheye optic for my birthday, so I did nothing but shot with it today. One of the places I went was Ellington Field because I know they have this huge plane out on display at the entrance. The Lensbaby is definitely fun to play with.

Friday, 8/5 – Taken off of Highway 87 around the Rollover Pass area. I thought it was cool that I was actually able to catch a seagull on the sign that says “Gulls on the Horizon”. :)

Saturday, 8/6 - I laid on my tummy to get this where the flowers meet the sky. If it were a few inches higher you would see the Gulf of Mexico in the background. Taken in the High Island area.


Happy Shooting!

"A good snapshot stops a moment from running away." ~Eudora Welty

365 Project 2011 – Week 30 in Review

This is a summary of the photos I posted for my 2011 365 Project from 7/24 through 7/30.


Sunday - Taken at the San Bernard National Wildlife Refuge. I am actually standing in the middle of what should be a slough. The isolated rain we have been getting in the coastal region is just not enough.



Monday - Taken in the moments after sunrise. I Love morning/evening sunlight!



Tuesday - Taken on an area bayou underneath a bridge just after sunrise. Made it black and white because I liked the contrast between the rocks and water.



Wednesday - Took this on my walk this evening. I am surprised there are still flowers blooming in this 100+ degree weather.



Thursday - Interesting graffiti on the side of a tattoo studio in South Houston.



Friday - There is a tropical storm in the Gulf of Mexico. When that happens we see the coolest cloud formations.



Saturday - I was out in the yard with Jake and decided to pick up this pine cone. Thought the reflection worked out well.


Happy Shooting!


“A photograph is usually looked at – seldom looked into." -Ansel Adams

365 Project 2011 – Week 29 in Review

This is a summary of the photos I posted for my 2011 365 Project from 7/17 through 7/23.

Sunday – Where It All Began


I went to see the last Harry Potter movie today and enjoyed it tremendously. So much, I decided to dig out a Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone lunch box I received as a gift back in 2002. It will be kind of sad to see it's like we've watched the actors grow up over  the last 10 years :)


Monday – My Better Side


My boy Jake being his normal precious self. :-) I was actually shooting some still life in my studio when I looked over and saw how the side light coming through my front door was hitting him.


Tuesday – Rain Drops


There was some much needed rain in Houston today. It was nice to see it. :)


Wednesday – Bond. James Bond.


Ran across this cool mural for a bail bonds business.


Thursday – Boats in a Row


Taken in San Leon, TX. It was very cool walking around all the fishing and shrimp boats.


Friday – Ariel and the Paw


My silly cat. I think she's trying to give me the finger ;)


Saturday – Bridge Over Chocolate Bayou


Went on a photo quest this morning and took this off of County Road 227 in Brazoria County just after sunrise.


Happy Shooting!


“There is only you and your camera. The limitations in your photography are in yourself, for what we see is what we are.” -Ernst Haas

365 Project 2011 – Week 28 in Review

This is a summary of the photos I posted for my 2011 365 Project  from 7/10 through 7/16.


Sunday - End Hunger

I pass the Food Bank a few times a month and have always wanted to stop and photograph it. When I got up this morning, I decided to make it my main subject for today. I took 3 exposures and processed using Photomatix Pro.



Monday - The Birds

Took this in Seabrook, TX. I could hear the little boy giggling from where I was standing. So cute



Tuesday - Multiplying Like Kitties

This is my first time to take multiple shots of the same scene with a primary object (cat) in different spots and merging them in Photoshop. My husband will be surprised to see we have 3 cats instead of 1. ;)



Wednesday - Peppers

Not a lot of time between work and a Photoshop meeting. Took this in my local grocery store. :)



Thursday - “I’m A Leaf On The Wind!”

Working with my Macro lens tonight. Picked up this cool leaf on the way home. If you are a Firefly/Serenity fan, you will get the caption. ;)



Friday - Taking A Break

Attended a meetup with the League City Photography Group tonight (in San Leon) and while we were not able to photograph the sunset and moonrise due to cloud cover, there were several things of interest in the area of the restaurant we had dinner at. Caught this guy taking a break from bugging humans for food. ;)



Saturday - Calm Morning

I took this outside the building in which I work. I generally arrive early on Friday mornings because I'm never as productive on Fridays as I'd like to be ;-)


Happy Shooting!

“All life is of a past nature, photography enhances this fact.” - Patrick Summerfield

Dodge The Bullet

Pulled out my 100mm Macro lens and some of my hubby's bullets. Also playing with lighting a bit. I have a friend that is in the hospital, so this subject matter brought to mind my hope that he "dodges the bullet" and gets better soon.


  • Camera | Nikon D90
  • Exposure | 1/4 sec  ~  Aperture | f/5.6
  • Focal Length | 100 mm  ~  ISO Speed | 200
  • Flash off – Tripod  used
  • Complete EXIF Data
  • Post – LightRoom/Color EFEX Pro 

"Life is like a good black and white photograph, there's black, there's white, and lots of shades in between."  -Karl Heiner

Lunchtime Enlightenment

On the way to the office, I spotted these coneflowers (also known as black-eyed susans, I think). I proceeded to the office, but during my lunch hour, I went to grab lunch and went back to the site. All I really had with me was my iPhone, but am satisfied with the result. The only thing I did in processing was the Auto setting in Camera+.  :)


  • Camera | iPhone 3GS
  • Post | Camera+/Auto


“All life is of a past nature, photography enhances this fact.” - Patrick Summerfield

Dad’s Tractors

I took this on one of my hometown visits. I try to make it out to Huffman at least once a month to visit family. My brother owns an auto shop and I always find something photo-worthy sitting around that place. Thought my Dad's tractors would make a decent HDR subject.


  • Camera | Nikon D90
  • Exposure | 1/6  ~  Aperture | f/22
  • Focal Length | 13 mm  ~  ISO Speed | 200
  • Flash off – Tripod used
  • Complete EXIF Data 
  • Post – Photomatix Pro/Photoshop


"A photograph is usually looked at – seldom looked into."  -Ansel Adams


Took a drive over to League City today. Never noticed this little pond near the center of town. Even got a couple of turtles sunning on the bank. :)


  • Camera | Nikon D90
  • Exposure | 1/1250  ~  Aperture | f/5.6
  • Focal Length | 16 mm  ~  ISO Speed | 200
  • Flash off – No Tripod 
  • Complete EXIF Data
  • Post – Photomatix Pro/Photoshop/Color EFEX Pro 

“If you see something that moves you, and then snap it, you keep a moment.” – Linda McCartney

Garden Angel

I ran across this little nature area at the elementary school down the street from where I live. I was on a Lensbaby kick today, so this is what I came up with. :)


  • Camera | Nikon D90
  • Exposure | 1/400 sec  ~  Aperture | f/4
  • Focal Length | Lensbaby  ~  ISO Speed | 200
  • Flash off – No Tripod 
  • Complete EXIF Data
  • Post – LightRoom/Photoshop/Color EFEX Pro

"A photograph is usually looked at – seldom looked into."  -Ansel Adams

Pelican Formation

We went to Kemah tonight to photograph fireworks. While we were waiting for the show to start, we loved watching all the pelicans flying in formation. They were a sight to see. :)


  • Camera | Nikon D90
  • Exposure | 1/160 sec  ~  Aperture | f/8
  • Focal Length | 50 mm  ~  ISO Speed | 200
  • Flash off – No Tripod 
  • Complete EXIF Data 
  • Post – LightRoom/Photoshop/Color EFEX Pro  


“All life is of a past nature, photography enhances this fact.” - Patrick Summerfield


I got the idea from a magazine to experiment with shooting food coloring in water. I don't think I had the lighting quite right, but I believe this shot came out as a decent abstract. I used Color Efex Pro to put a little soft focus on the edges, but otherwise did very little to it in post.


  • Camera | Nikon D90
  • Exposure | 1/4 sec  ~  Aperture | f/8
  • Focal Length | 100 mm  ~  ISO Speed | 200
  • Flash off – Tripod  used
  • Complete EXIF Data
  • Post – Lightroom/Photoshop/Color EFEX Pro 

""A good snapshot stops a moment from running away." ~Eudora Welty

Yellow Flower

Decided to stop at the grocery store and pickup some flowers. This particular one caught my eye, so out of the 5-6 different flowers, this one got all the attention. Played with lighting a bit too. Used my 100mm macro lens for this shot.


  • Camera | Nikon D90
  • Exposure | 1/20 sec  ~  Aperture | f/5.6
  • Focal Length | 100 mm  ~  ISO Speed | 200
  • Flash off – No Tripod 
  • Complete EXIF Data
  • Post – LightRoom/Photoshop/Color EFEX Pro 

Alternate Views

Backlit flower petalsFlowercloseupMonochromeFlower


"A photograph is usually looked at – seldom looked into."  -Ansel Adams

Local Flavor

Mainly playing with depth-of-field and lighting. Thought some of my bottle cap collection would make for a good subject. The caption comes from the fact that Saint Arnold is a well-known local Houston brew. :-)


  • Camera | Nikon D90
  • Exposure | 1/30 sec  ~  Aperture | f/5.6
  • Focal Length | 100 mm  ~  ISO Speed | 200
  • Flash off – No Tripod 
  • Complete EXIF Data
  • Post – LightRoom/Photoshop/Color EFEX Pro 


“There is only you and your camera. The limitations in your photography are in yourself, for what we see is what we are.” -Ernst Haas

On The Curb

I took this a couple of days ago. I was sitting out on the curb in front of my house and thought the petals from the area Crape Myrtles and the reflection in the water looked very interesting.


  • Camera | iPhone 3GS
  • Post | Camera+/Clarity

“If you see something that moves you, and then snap it, you keep a moment.” – Linda McCartney

Park Channel

Taken at Walter Hall Park in League City, Texas. I love the part of the park that is by the channel.  Playing around with NIK Silver Efex Pro. Using the Yellowed 2 filter.


  • Camera | Nikon P7000
  • Aperture | f/4.0   ~  ISO Speed | 100
  • Post – Photomatix Pro/Photoshop/Silver EFEX Pro


Alternate Views


"A photograph is usually looked at – seldom looked into."  -Ansel Adams

Kemah Fireworks

Last night, I photographed fireworks for the first time ever. I attended a League City Photography Meetup and had such a wonderful time. We had dinner first at Hoagie Ranch Emporium (a Kemah staple) and then proceeded to the area under the Kemah bridge on the Seabrook side around 7:00PM. There was plenty of time to setup and talk to fellow photogs. It was an awesome night.


  • Camera | Nikon D90
  • Exposure | 5 sec  ~  Aperture | f/10
  • Focal Length | 100 mm  ~  ISO Speed | 200
  • Flash off – Tripod used
  • Complete EXIF Data 
  • Post – LightRoom


Alternate View(s)

kemahfireworks2 kemahfireworks3  kemahfireworks4

Pre-Firework Time



League City Photography Group Photos > Fireworks Friday night Kemah fireworks shoot 


“All life is of a past nature, photography enhances this fact.” - Patrick Summerfield