Last night, I photographed fireworks for the first time ever. I attended a League City Photography Meetup and had such a wonderful time. We had dinner first at Hoagie Ranch Emporium (a Kemah staple) and then proceeded to the area under the Kemah bridge on the Seabrook side around 7:00PM. There was plenty of time to setup and talk to fellow photogs. It was an awesome night.
- Camera | Nikon D90
- Exposure | 5 sec ~ Aperture | f/10
- Focal Length | 100 mm ~ ISO Speed | 200
- Flash off – Tripod used
- Complete EXIF Data
- Post – LightRoom
Alternate View(s)
Pre-Firework Time
League City Photography Group Photos > Fireworks Friday night Kemah fireworks shoot
“All life is of a past nature, photography enhances this fact.” - Patrick Summerfield