
Book Review: Within the Frame

within the frame

Within The Frame – The Journey of Photographic Vision 
by David duChemin

David duChemin is an inspiring humanitarian photographer that has been around the world. He is one of those people in which just about everything he says inspires me to be a better photographer.  I love how he has the belief that you should work on the way you see things rather than buy a lot of expensive gear. 

His book, Within the Frame, is all about vision and how to merge it with the craft. How to see things differently and transfer that vision to your photography. Below are some of the high points that I gleaned.

  • The first two chapters are about your vision and how you are responsible for each element within the frame. duChemin explains how you should know how the elements interact as well as what elements should be excluded.
  • Chapter three is mostly about the meeting of vision and technique (or craft).

“Gear is good, vision is better”

To me, this quote means that no matter how much or what gear I have (or want), I should never neglect the way I see things. I should continually hone my vision.

  • The next several chapters go into photographing people, places and culture. He is very good at explaining the different aspects of each.
  • The Forward is by Joe McNally
  • The Afterward is by Vincent Versace

David duChemin defines this book as follows:

“It is a book about chasing your vision and telling your stories as clearly and passionately as possible with compelling photography.”

I recommend this book to any photographer, whether you are beginner, intermediate or advanced. Simply because duChemin’s writing style and photography are so inspiring.


"The more you understand what inspires you, the more readily you can put yourself in it’s path." - David duChemin

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Book Review: Night Photography


Night Photography: Finding your way in the dark
by Lance Keimig

Below are some points gleaned --

  • The book starts with a detailed, rich history of Night Photography. From the long process of recording an image on a pewter plate to the latest digital techniques.
  • The book also goes into the equipment needed to accomplish photography at night.

"As a general rule, fixed focal length, or prime, manual focus lenses yield the best results and are easiest to work with in low-light situations."

  • A tripod and remote cable release are also pretty much required. The author even goes into detail on how you should dress when going out for night photography.
  • Next, the basics of Night Photography are explained...and explained well. Keimig gives great overviews of light sources, color temperatures and how they affect your photography.
  • There are also chapters on Film Based vs Digital Night Photography. Great information on the camera's sensor and histogram is given as well.
  • This book goes into the workflow aspect very well and then ends with a nice tutorial-ish chapter on photographing moonlight and star trails.

Lance Keimig is very knowledgeable on the subject of Night Photography. I highly recommend this book to anyone wanting to venture into this area of Photography.


“All life is of a past nature, photography enhances this fact.” – Patrick Summerfield

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Book Review: National Geographic Ultimate Field Guide to Photography


The National Geographic Ultimate Field Guide to Photography is an all-encompassing intro to everything photography. It touches on just about every topic in photography that I, as an amateur, can think of. Things that range from Buying your digital camera to scanning and archiving your photos. Some other topics covered include the digital darkroom, film photography and doing projects.

The basics of Aperture, Shutter Speed, etc are also covered.

The book also goes into detail on the different types of lenses and photography.

Types of Lenses

Wide Angle Telephoto Fisheye
Zoom Macro Tilt/Shift
Standard Split field  

Types of Photography

Portrait Landscape Wedding
Wildlife Macro  

The book even goes into how to shoot better with your mobile phone/device.

In closing, I enjoyed reading this book and reviewing the photos with awe. I highly recommend checking it out, especially if you are a beginner wanting to learn photography.


“Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it still.” ~ Dorothea Lange