Book Review: National Geographic Ultimate Field Guide to Photography


The National Geographic Ultimate Field Guide to Photography is an all-encompassing intro to everything photography. It touches on just about every topic in photography that I, as an amateur, can think of. Things that range from Buying your digital camera to scanning and archiving your photos. Some other topics covered include the digital darkroom, film photography and doing projects.

The basics of Aperture, Shutter Speed, etc are also covered.

The book also goes into detail on the different types of lenses and photography.

Types of Lenses

Wide Angle Telephoto Fisheye
Zoom Macro Tilt/Shift
Standard Split field  

Types of Photography

Portrait Landscape Wedding
Wildlife Macro  

The book even goes into how to shoot better with your mobile phone/device.

In closing, I enjoyed reading this book and reviewing the photos with awe. I highly recommend checking it out, especially if you are a beginner wanting to learn photography.


“Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it still.” ~ Dorothea Lange