
Installing and Learning Ubuntu

In an effort to always be learning something, I decided to take an older laptop that I never use and install Linux on it. I did the normal Google searches and determined that Ubuntu was the most popular “flavor” of Linux.

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It was very easy to down load the .ISO file from the Ubuntu website and the Rufus utility program to create a bootable USB drive from said .ISO file. Once I had the laptop booting into the Ubuntu on the USB drive, it was pretty straight forward to install Linux over the Windows 10 installation on my hard drive. I have gathered links to the posts I used to do the install and learn about Ubuntu. They are listed below.

Main Ubuntu Site

Beginner’s Guide: How To Install Ubuntu Linux

How to Download & Install Linux (Ubuntu) in Windows

Rufus Utility – Creates bootable flash media

38 Things to Do to Get Started After Installing Ubuntu

How to use Ubuntu – Ubuntu Tutorial for Beginners – Video

How to Be More Productive in Ubuntu Using Keyboard Shortcuts

7 Best Linux Tools For Digital Artists

5 Best Vector Graphics Editors for Linux

Top 10 Text Editors for Linux

I am Rhonda Tipton and I am a photographer residing in the Houston area. My work includes a wide range of subjects such as portraiture, events and fine art; however, I feel my purpose on this Earth is to tell the stories of those without a voice through my pet, animal shelter and rescue photography.

Tipton Creative
IG @rhondatipton – @sheltershutterbug –  @tiptoncreative — @rhondatiptonbw
FB @RhondaTipton – @tiptoncreative – @TiptonCreativeShelterPhotos
Twitter – Flickr – Youtube

Taking Notes with Google Keep

Google Keep is a rich note organizer that supports photo notes, voice notes, and checklists. It lets you quickly take and save notes, photos, and checklists to Google Drive, and then access them again on any other device you use.

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I love Google Keep’s interface and ease of use.

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Just “jot down” what you want to keep track of or go back to later…label it, so if you want to just look at Recipes, for example, you can do it with ease.

I also love the Chrome extension that allows you to clip text and/or images from a website…or just make a note with a link back to the website to review later.

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The link shows up in my Google Keep after clipping it in Chrome.

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All in all, I find this app very easy to use and I love that it is part of the Google space. It syncs seamlessly between my phone, my iPad and my Macbook.

Happy note-taking!

R  E  L  A  T  E  D

  1. Google Keep Review – PC Magazine

  2. 7 Reasons You Might Want To Use Google Keep

  3. Not Just Another Notes App: Why You Should Use Google Keep

I am Rhonda Tipton and I am a photographer residing in the Houston area. My work includes a wide range of subjects such as portraiture, events and fine art; however, I feel my purpose on this Earth is to tell the stories of those without a voice through my pet, animal shelter and rescue photography.

Tipton Creative
IG @rhondatipton – @sheltershutterbug –  @tiptoncreative — @rhondatiptonbw
FB @RhondaTipton – @tiptoncreative – @TiptonCreativeShelterPhotos
Twitter – Flickr – Youtube

Some Google Search Tips

I've compiled a few cool things you can do on Google Search. I know there are so many more things that can be done, but the ones below I can actually see myself using. Without further ado...some neat Google tips.

1. Use * as a place holder...or wildcard 

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2. Quickly calculate a tip

3. Search for a given word on a website

4. Look for attractions in a city

5. Easily convert from one unit of measurement to another

6. Check weather quickly for a certain city location

7. Look for something "near" your current location

Happy googling! 

Coding: Ruby File Rename Script

In February of this year I started working part-time for Hallway 2 Marketing, photographing homes for real estate. I take the photos then rush home to start the edit process. Before the photos can be uploaded to HAR, they need to be a specific file name to make searches easier on the perspective home buyer. So I wrote a program to help me streamline at least part of my process.

I wrote a Ruby program to rename files by stripping off the first 8 characters of the existing file name. As I edit real estate photos, I name them like the following: DSC_XXXX Street - Living Room.jpg - the program basically loops through 30+ files stripping off the DSC_XXXX making the file name "Street - Living Room.jpg"

The files before the script

The files before the script

Script execution

Script execution

The result...files ready to upload to HAR

The result...files ready to upload to HAR

This is the first code I've written since I quit being a developer in 2011. The process has sparked my interest in coding least for fun. LOL


App: Squarespace Note

I've started using an app called Squarespace Note and it does exactly what I want it to do. I was looking for something that I could just type or dictate a quick note and send it to my email, so I can review later. That is all the app does...simplicity at it's best.

After setting your target email address...simply, type or dictate something you want to remember and swipe upward. Your note/reminder will be sent  to your email address. The app then resets and is ready for your next note. It does not save previous notes...clean slate every time. A photo can also be sent with the if you are looking through a magazine and see something, you can send a snap of it at the same time.

I am really getting a lot of use out of this app and it has become important enough to be moved to my main app screen for easy access. 



  1. Introducing Squarespace Note
  2. Squarespace Note on the App Store
  3. Squarespace Note is an Elegant, Simple Note Taking App...