My automated weekly newspaper (created from Twitter resources) - Tipton Weekly Focus
Below are some links that I have found awesome, interesting and/or very useful in the past week --
1. Inspiration --
- 500px => #1 #2 #3 #4
- More Fall Colors - Jeffery Lynch
- The Cemetery in the Monastery Castle - Trey Ratcliff
2. Removing Lens Distortion from Your Photos | 7 Ideas for Photographers' New Year's Resolutions - Photofocus
3. 15 Thoughts on Fine Art Photography Composition by Alain Brio - LightStalking
4. Another Way of Looking at the Rules of Composition - Joe Farace
5. A Huge List of The Coolest Photography Links Of The Week - LightStalking
6. Learning to See | Learning to See - pt 2 - Digital Photography School
7. How B&W Makes Better Color in Adobe Photoshop - Planet Photoshop
Checkers at Starbucks