Last weekend, as a part of Houston Fotofest, some of my work was displayed as Jomar Visions Studio.
The series is titled “Up a Tree”. The photos included in the theme were taken all around the Houston area. The good thing about the type of shots used is they can be taken anywhere, even in your backyard. As I mention in my series statement below, there is a unique view for every tree.
Series Statement
The photos in this series were all taken around the Houston area.
I think my interest in trees stem from childhood. My mom would always take me with her to visit my Grandparents' grave sites, and the cemetery they rested in was full of big, beautiful oak trees. Of course, as a child, she had a difficult time keeping me away from them.
I took the photos for this series in the Fall, when the leaves are saturated with color, and Winter, when there are no leaves at all. The view I see when walking up to the trunk of a tree and looking up is unique from tree to tree. The texture of the bark, the network of limbs, the sky color all play a role in the uniqueness of the photograph.
To this day, when I see a big, beautiful oak tree, I think of the days I spent with my mom as a child.
My hope is that others will also see the uniqueness and beauty of the images in this series.
My Full “Up a Tree” Set on Google+ | Flickr
“All life is of a past nature, photography enhances this fact.” – Patrick Summerfield
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