11 Things, 11 Questions

I'm not very good at memes, but thought I would give this one a try.

In this post I will be sharing 11 random things about myself, answering 11 questions that my friend Katherine posted on her blog and posing 11 questions of my own.

11 Random things about me

1. I do love coffee, but I love the coffee house environment just as much

2. I love horror movies. Scary ones, gory ones...scary and gory ones.

3. I have an awesome husband. We also have 2 pets: Jake, our chocolate lab and Ariel, our cat. My family and friends are a very important part of my life and I love them all!

4. I was never what you would call a good student in school. With the exception of my Junior year in high school. That year I made straight A's and even received an award for the top grades in American Lit. To this day, I still struggle with writing. Go figure.

5. I lost my mom 30 years ago this month.

6. I like Chinese food way too much.

7. Although I have not done it in some time, I love cycling. This is the year I will get back on the bike.

8. I have recently come to love having smoothies for breakfast

9. I mastered the art of profanity by the age of 3…so I am told…over and over again.

10. I love road trips.

11. I'm a sucker for John Hughes movies.


Answers to Katherine's 11 Questions

1.  What is the best book you read last year?  The Hunger Games and/or The Host

2.  What three qualities do you love best about yourself? I like to think I'm caring, helpful and a good friend

3.  Is there any food you haven't tried and would be willing to try?  What is it?  (better yet- try it this week and let me know!) Yes. Indian food and vegetarian dishes.

4.  What's your favourite movie snack? Popcorn

5.  What's your favourite non fast food restaurant, and what do you like to order there? Olive Garden - Angel hair pasta with marinara, minestrone soup

6.  What's something you've achieved in the recent past that has surprised you? Had my photo accepted into The Art Alliance of Clear Lake's Winter Exhibit and it sold opening night.

7.  Where would you travel to if money and time were no object?  New Zealand/Greece/India/Ireland

8.  What would you love to earn money doing? Photography or nothing would be nice

9.  What's a favourite, feel-good song? "My Town" by Buck 'O Nine & “Summer Breeze” (Tsuper Tsunami Remix version) – I was informed that feel-good song means get you pumped and moving, not just Happy stuff…Changing to “Break Stuff” by Limp Bizkit and “Feels So Good” by 311

10.  What did you do on the weekend that was fun? Went on a photo outing with some awesome friends

11.  What will you do today that is fun? Hang out with a great friend


My Questions

  1. What was your favorite movie of all time?
  2. What is your favorite song of all time?
  3. What is your favorite food?
  4. Who inspires you the most?
  5. What is the number one location you want to visit before you die?
  6. Do you have a hobby? If so, what is it?
  7. What kind of mobile phone do you have?
  8. What kind of car do you own?
  9. What is your favorite sport?
  10. What is your favorite holiday?
  11. What makes you happy?

Have fun!


"A good snapshot stops a moment from running away." ~Eudora Welty

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