Friday Finds - 05.27.16

Some things I ran across in the past week that were interesting, helpful or maybe even life-changing to me. If any of it helps you...all the better. 

5 Smoothie Mistakes That Make You Gain Weight - This one was a good read for me since I have started having a smoothie for breakfast each morning.

10 Ways To Cultivate A Positive Mindset And Change Your Life - I'm always interested in advice on how to stay positive. 

How To Focus Attention With A Refined Vignette Effect - An effect to play around with. 

I love to get inspiration from others, so here are a couple of sources

  1. Resource Travel's Top 10 Travel Photos of the Week
  2. Heart-Melting Dog Portraits By Alicja Zmyslowska

I leave you with one of my favorite images from the week. Have a wonderful weekend!
