
Camera Case, Filters and Galveston

This weekend I went to the Houston Camera Exchange in search of a good case to carry my newly purchased Nikon D90. The guy who helped me really recommended the Lowepro bag line. I picked out the medium size sling bag and it seems to carry my stuff quite well. I am still finding pockets to put stuff in.

I have read that it is good to have a UV filter and a polarizing filter, so I picked up both filters for both lenses. The UV filter stays on all the time to help protect the lens and the polarizing filter is great for cutting down glare for high sunlight situations.


Photo Tips for Polarizing Filters - A1 Photo Tips

Filters for Digital Cameras - Bob Atkins

How To Use A Polarizing Filter - Great Landscape Photography

Today, we took a drive down to Galveston. It was a nice day up until about 1:00 when the clouds rolled in and the rain started. Before that happened I was able to get a few good shots.


Flickr Galveston Set -- Flickr Photo Stream

