August 2012 Project–Closer
For August 2012, I decided to do a project containing close up and macro shots for a month. On most days, I did go out and take the photo. My goal was to improve my creativity and technique in the area of macro photography. Below are the photos that I received the most feedback from.
My CLOSER project on Google+ | Flickr | Facebook
Check out my About.Me page for my complete web presence
July 2012 Project–Shades of Grey
In July 2012, I decided to do a project containing only black & white shots for a month. On most days, I did go out and take the photo. There were a couple of days that I did pull a photo from my archives and converted it to black & white. My goal was to improve at producing better tones and contrast in my b&w photos. Below are the photos that I received the most feedback from.
My Shades of Grey project on Google+ | Flickr | Facebook
Check out my About.Me page for my complete web presence
Project Idea - Colors
I was reading a book I borrowed from a friend titled 50 Photo Projects, when I came across a project that sounded pretty cool. Shooting based on color…or gathering photos that have the same “dominant” color from your library. I used the collage templates mentioned in a previous post to gather sets of photos with a similar color set.
It is also interesting and inspiring to type different colors into the search on Flickr and explore the results.
Red – Blue – Green – Yellow – Orange – Purple – Pink
Projects are great for exercising creativity. I found that going through my library and grouping based on color was a worthwhile task.
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Check out my About.Me page for my complete web presence