This year was definitely filled with ups and downs. Below are some of the things that happened in my life during the year.
- My Uncle Jimmy passed away early in the year. We had spent Christmas Day with him and I had snapped a photo of him which turned out to be the last one.
- The only out-of-town vacation we took in 2011 was to Caddo Lake in NE Texas
My Caddo Lake Flickr Set
- One of my photos was sold to an interior design firm based in Washington DC. They used it as part of a design project here in Houston.
- My Uncle Sonny passed away. I accompanied my Dad to the service and family visits in the Texarkana area. It really stinks that most of the time you spend time with extended family is around the death of another family member. I did not know my Uncle Sonny very well, but learned a lot about him during this time. Such as he fought in WWII as a part of Company K. There is a book about them and he is mentioned. He was also an established Mandolin player.
- I was laid off from my job (after 8 years) in September due to Medicare cuts. My husband's business has picked up somewhat, so I am working for the business as well as working on my Photography. Things do happen for a reason.
- One of my photos was accepted to the Winter Juried Exhibition at The Art Alliance of Clear Lake and sold opening night. What a feeling!
- I sent several photos to Channel 2 and had them show on air. Local Meteorologist Anthony Yanez shows photos sent in by Houston area people during his forecasts between 5am and 7am. Below are my photos that were shown during 2011.
- I completed my 2011 365 Project. What a feeling of accomplishment! :)
There it is. My 2011 in a nutshell. Here is hoping for a great 2012 for myself and everyone else.
“If you see something that moves you, and then snap it, you keep a moment.” – Linda McCartney
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