365 Project 2011 - Week 47 in Review

This is a summary of the photos I posted for my 2011 365 Project from 11/20 through 11/26.


Sunday, 11/20 - Various shots from my visit to the Via Colori Street Art Festival today. All of the street art was AMAZING!



Monday, 11/21 - Taken at the 2011 Via Colori Street Art Festival. I love how the clouds are reflecting on the building.

Tuesday, 11/22 - Took this on my walk today. A cool front came through Houston around 9:00 this morning and the temps are now delightful.

Wednesday, 11/23 - Loved the light coming through the window. The cat is always a willing participant in my picture taking. ;-)



Thursday, 11/24 - Today is Thanksgiving Day and I am thankful for too many things to mention. I hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, 11/25 - My cousin's pup is what I call a ninja licker. She licks you before you realize what is happening.

Saturday, 11/26 - Saw the sun shining through a leaf - moved slightly and got an awesome sun flare.


Happy Shooting!

"A photograph is usually looked at – seldom looked into." -Ansel Adams

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