I had the opportunity to photography a friend's band today. Michael's Gate is a Christian/Blues/Rock band out of Katy, TX. I am still working through the photos, but needed one for my 365 project. The Sun was very harsh as the band went on at 1:00PM on one of the side stages at the South Texas Biker Jam and Expo. I am hoping to pull some good shots ... even with the harsh light.
- Camera | Nikon D90
- Exposure | 1/1600 sec ~ Aperture | f/5.6
- Focal Length | 100 mm ~ ISO Speed | 500
- Flash off – No Tripod
- Complete EXIF Data
- Post – LightRoom/Photoshop/Color EFEX Pro
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“There is only you and your camera. The limitations in your photography are in yourself, for what we see is what we are.” -Ernst Haas