I attended the December 2010 League City Photography Meet up this past week. There was a great turnout of about 35 attendees.
Upcoming Events in December
- Dec 4 Sat 12:00 PM | Dickens on the Strand
- Dec 11 Sat 10:00 AM | Bryan Beach / Levi Jordan Plantation
- Dec 11 Sat 6:00 PM | Clear Lake Christmas Boat Parade
Topic – Various Tips
George McBroom informed us of the return of the Baytown Eagles and recommended we try to make it out to see them. Directions to the Eagle’s nest. Thanks George!
George also gave a great presentation on some sharpening methods in PhotoShop.
Trudy LeDoux and David Paulissen talked about their experience at Art Crawl Houston in November. They were invited to include their work at the event. [Photos]
Robin Binder talked about the services her company provides for other photographers.
I provided a handout containing an interesting article that I had run across earlier in the week titled 7 Tips for Better Architectural Photography.
Additional Information & Links
- NikonImages.com – new site for Nikon shooters
- Mpix.com – Good source for metallic paper prints
"Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever... it remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything.” -Aaron Siskind