My husband attends the Lie-Nielson Hand Tool Event every year. This year I thought I would tag along and photograph the show. There were quite a few objects of interest, so I had a lot of fun taking photos.
My Husband did a detailed write-up of the event and I have published it below
I attended the Lie-Nielsen Hand Tool Event on Saturday October 23, 2010. The event was hosted in a large metal building by BC Woodwork in Houston, TX. Massive logs surrounded the building and filled the lot across the street. Inside the building were piles of stickered lumber, looks like they keep it in order as it was sliced from the log. If you are planning on building a large piece of furniture I would check this place out.
Back to the event. It was hosted by Lie-Nielsen who setup two workbenches with two representatives demonstrating their tools and giving everyone a chance to test drive any tool. The two reps were very knowledgeable and it was laid back with a friendly atmosphere; no pressure to buy anything. I test drove their small, medium and large shoulder planes and was pleased with the feel of the tools and results when put to wood.
Glen-Drake Toolworks had a bench setup and Kevin Drake was demonstrating his tools and let everyone give them a test drive. He has a unique way of cutting dovetails. I thought I had seen every technique but this was new to me. It involves a dovetail saw, Tite-Mark marking gauge, off-set feeler gauge and a kerf-starter that matches the kerf of the dovetail saw. I tried out his new saw and it worked as advertised. I was able to cut a straight line using the indention created by the Kerf-Starter.
Joe Slack from Homestead Heritage had a booth setup displaying some examples from his Guitar maker class. I did not see any demonstrations from Homestead Heritage this year. Last year Frank Strazza gave some excellent demonstrations. Maybe Frank will be back next year.
I met Matt Adams who makes custom spoons and kitchen utensils. He is very passionate about woodworking and I think his favorite tool is the spokeshave. He showed me his spoons and wooden hand planes. He does very nice work.
I thoroughly enjoyed the event and I think anyone interested in hand tools should attend one. I love hand tools and plan on going again next year.
My wife was kind enough to photograph the event and here is a link to her photos:
Video describing Hand Tool Events from Lie-Nielsen:
Offset-Layout Technique for Dovetails:
New Saw From Glen-Drake Toolworks:
Homestead Heritage:
“Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it still.” ~Dorothea Lange