I love to take photos and I use whatever is at my disposal to do it even if it is my mobile phone. I have heard so many photographers say "It's the photographer, not the camera." - I am working toward taking cool photos whether it's my iPhone, point-n-shoot or DSLR. Heck, I am even considering buying one of those disposable cameras from Walgreens to see what I can do with it.
Here are few photos that I have taken recently with my iPhone -
Full iPhone Shots Set on Flickr
My favorite iPhone apps at this point in time are Camera+, Hipstamatic and PhotoShop Express.
Below are some great links that I have run across on the subject of mobile phone photography.
- Phun with your Phone - Treavor Dean Photography
- Some of the Best Photography Apps for Your Android - Lifehacker
- Some of the Best Photography Apps for Your iPhone - Lifehacker
- New York Through the Lens of My iPhone - Lisa Bettany
- 12 Tips for Improving Camera Phone Photos - Digital Photography School
- How To Take Great Street Photography With Your iPhone - Lisa Bettany
- How To Take Great Landscape Photos With Your iPhone - Lisa Bettany
- iPhoneography - The iPhone Photography and Videography Blog
- iPhone Photography Flickr Group
- Mobile Phone Photography Flickr Group
"There are always two people in every picture: the photographer and the viewer." ~Ansel Adams