
My Heart's Work - 02/2020

I started taking photos of shelter animals in April of 2013. I feel as if it is my life’s purpose. A purpose that makes me mostly happy as I really feel good photos help get these babies into their forever home, but sometimes sad that they are even in the situation they are in and then downright angry at the way some humans treat the innocent…but I won’t go there. My focus must not be on bad people… they are not worth the air we breathe. My focus is on all the innocent dogs and cats that fill the shelters and rescues. The list of shelters, rescues and businesses I have volunteered for are listed at the end of this post.

Dogs are our link to paradise. They don’t know evil or jealousy or discontent.
— Milan Kundera

I am now on TikTok as @ShelterShutterBug. It is focused on my work with shelters and rescues as well as my fur-kids and animals in general.

Below is a collage I created of all the shelter babies I photo’d last month. Each and every one of these babies are so deserving of better … more love, more understanding. Hopefully by the time I make this post each month most, if not all, are in loving homes. That is my hope.

There are so many ways we as humans can help the animals that find their way into shelters.


R  E  L  A  T  E  D

Shelters, Rescues & Businesses that I volunteer for or have helped in the past —

I am Rhonda Tipton and I am a photographer residing in the Houston area. My work includes a wide range of subjects such as portraiture, events and fine art; however, I feel my purpose on this Earth is to tell the stories of those without a voice through my pet, animal shelter and rescue photography.

Tipton Creative
IG @rhondatipton – @sheltershutterbug –  @tiptoncreative — @rhondatiptonbw
FB @RhondaTipton – @tiptoncreative – @TiptonCreativeShelterPhotos
Twitter – Flickr – Youtube - TikTok

Shelter Summary - Week of October 26 2015

I met Cheryl at the League City shelter on Tuesday. I took photos of about 4 dogs and was also able to stay around and get photos of our awesome Hermione going through her K-9 testing. Wednesday afternoon I headed over to Texas Animal Control Solutions in Dickinson. They have several new dogs and cats that are looking for homes. Shelter breakdown is below.