Learning Composition: Examples and Resources

The photographic definition of composition is the artistic arrangement of the parts of a picture. There are “rules” to guide through the learning process. Once you have learned the rules… it’s easier to break them and still obtain a compelling image consistently.

Composition can be the way you frame a shot or the way you arrange specific objects to create a shot. Below are examples of creating a composition.

Some of the composition rules, I personally try to follow when take photos. There are always exceptions to the rules.

1. Rule of Thirds - The basic principle behind the rule of thirds is to imagine breaking a frame down into thirds (horizontally & vertically) so that you have 9 parts. As seen below.

2. Avoid cropping at the joints (knees, elbows, etc) The first photo below was how I took it. The second photo is how I decided to crop… to make it more of a head shot. A lot of the time it’s better too take the photo with a lot of room around the main subject so you can crop it how you like later.

3. For the most part, avoid putting the subject dead center, unless there is symmetry involved.

4. Level horizon on landscape shots & straighten the verticals on architecture shots

5. Try to find frames in everything.

6. Pay attention to the background to avoid things intersecting with the subject (ie limbs coming out of a person’s head)

7. Look for patterns and symmetry

8. Leading lines and vanishing points are good compositional tools.

9. Looking up or down at a subject instead of straight on can add interest. Maybe even try a different angle.

10. When taking photos of kids and pets, try to get on their level by sitting in a chair or the ground. Even lay on your chest to get on the level of little ones… or put them on a table. As long as you are not always looking down on them. Looking down can be creative for the occasional shots, but not all.

Below is a list of articles and books that focus on the art of composition.


Composition Photo Workshop

Within the Frame: The Journey of Photographic Vision

Chasing the Light: Improving Your Photography with Available Light

Mastering Composition: The Definitive Guide for Photographers

Creative Composition: Digital Photography Tips & Techniques

Blog Posts

Five Simple Editing Tips That Will Make Your Photos Stand Out

11 Thoughts: An Introduction to Photographic Composition

Basic Photography Composition Techniques

20 Composition Techniques That Will Improve Your Photos

10 Top Photography Composition Rules

5 Rules on Composition to Create More Compelling Photographs

There is always room for improvement in photography and composition. I still learn something new just about every day.

I am Rhonda Tipton a photographer born and raised in the Houston area. My work includes a wide range of subjects such as portraiture, events, real estate and fine art; however, I feel my purpose on this Earth and specialty is telling the stories of those without a voice through my pet, animal shelter and rescue photography.

My entire Social Media existence can be found at the link below.


Thank you and be blessed…