Brianna's Maternity Session

11/30/2019 – Heritage Park – League City TX | Maternity Session

Had an amazing time photographing this couple before their new addition made her appearance. It was about four days later that Layla Grace made her grand entrance.

Click on an image to enlarge

I am Rhonda Tipton and I am a photographer residing in the Houston area. My work includes a wide range of subjects such as portraiture, events and fine art; however, I feel my purpose on this Earth is to tell the stories of those without a voice through my pet, animal shelter and rescue photography.

Tipton Creative
IG @rhondatipton – @sheltershutterbug –  @tiptoncreative — @rhondatiptonbw
FB @RhondaTipton – @tiptoncreative – @TiptonCreativeShelterPhotos
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